
Showing posts from February, 2018

Valentine's Day With DisguisedToast

again you hear me you can't hear me 00:05 right 00:05 shut the fuck up 00:08 oh that is quite a rude language to use 00:15 chat it what is you does your parents 00:17 wash your stream uh-huh what would they 00:22 think if they heard you swearing yes 00:38 Jeremy I'm having a lot of fun with you 00:44 right now 00:44 [Music] 00:53 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 00:56 I thought we agreed that we would never 00:58 knew one another did you make a mistake 01:03 which love all y'all okay Janet we all 01:09 make mistakes 01:10 what's important is that we learn from 01:12 it 01:14 and come out stronger 01:15 [Music] 01:30 are you having a tough time yes that's a 01:35 very difficult game the person who made 01:38 it stuck a lot of I know I mean you know 02:06 that's that's just me you